Lucky by Spare Time Novels is an exciting book about a hilarious crime lord, John Woods. The book starts with John Woods in prison for arson. After serving some years of his sentence, he is transferred to another prison in Darsmit, where he escapes during a prison break. He soon becomes a terror in the city and prefers to be referred to as Mr. Darkwoods, who grows from being an ordinary criminal to a very popular crime lord. Will the law enforcement agencies be able to bring down Mr. Darkwoods? Or has he grown above the law?
There were lots of things that made the book exciting for me. The characters were well developed. They were cold and hilarious. Sometimes I hated them, especially John Woods, but other times he excited me, as did the other characters. The storyline was great and suspenseful. I loved how unpredictable John Woods was sometimes. There was a lot of violence in the book, but it was exciting. The war was like a movie, and I tried to visualize it. I also loved the song at the end of the book. It was the crazy John Woods, singing, and it was enjoyable.
There were also a few things I did not like about the book. I did not like John Woods sometimes. He seemed impulsive and acted without thinking most of the time, and I felt like yelling at him sometimes. I felt the theory break was unnecessary. It just interrupted the war for me. I mean, who goes on a break in the middle of a war? Only John Woods, who happened to be the narrator, could do that, seeing as he was very powerful and could do whatever he wanted.
My rating for this book is 4 out of 4 stars. The book was well written. It was perfectly edited. I did not spot any errors in the book. The book was easy and fun to read. I found it difficult to put down until I was done reading. I just wanted to know what was going to happen next. The things I mentioned I did not like were not very significant to me and therefore not enough to make me not give the book a perfect rating. There was also a lot of humor in this book. Also, I think Mr. Darkwoods will come for me if I don’t give this book a perfect rating.
I would recommend this book to everyone who likes an action-packed book because this one is full of action. Also, those who are looking for an entertaining book and do not mind the presence of violence will enjoy reading this book. Also, people who like books about crime lords will love this book because it is about a very powerful crime lord.
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